...i scream it to the nothingness
there ain't nothing that i need.

who'd have thought that having a junkyard would make an engagement session this good?
seriously to die for lighting as well as creative use of surroundings makes this engagement session by luna photo simply stunning!
my jaw fell to the ground when i saw this. and i'm especially loving that last one.

thanks to luna photo for letting me share.
definitely check out more of this swoon-worthy engagement session on their blog.

congrats to cori and tom!

p.s. don't forget about the giveaway going on this week!

10 Response to "you're my best friend..."

  1. ohhh i love the photos with the tractor, especially where she's sitting in the wheel! beautiful photos!

  2. another great shoot from luna .... so pretty

  3. what an awesome shoot!! her dress is fabulous.

  4. these are so cool! love the tractor with the dress!!

  5. Ooh I love both of her dresses!

  6. Such a beautiful shoot! I love the contrast of her the purple/pink dress with the brilliant yellow of the flowers.

  7. I screamed a little when I saw the photo of the girl IN the tire on Luna Photo's blog. So glad you posted this session, it's awesome!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the juxtaposition.

  9. Jackie says:

    love the dresses!

    awesome pictures!

  10. She is fabulous!

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