...we were waiting for each other
all this time
i was waiting for you
we got all these words
can't waste them on another
so i'm straight in a straight line
running back to you.

Josh and Rebecca from Shade Tree Films on Vimeo.

there's pretty no way to really describe how shade tree films works, but just plain awesome-ness always results. you can always be guaranteed that there is never a dry eye in the house. but this is because of the beautiful BEAUTIFUL videos shade tree films create. photographers capture moments at one moment in time, but videographers capture these moments in action. and couples are left with something additionally astounding in their hands forever.

take josh and rebecca's wedding for example. not only did shade tree films capture the most minor details but caught an interesting, but beautiful aspect of josh and rebecca's ceremony, that was very important to them: the tradition of smudging. a Native American tradition where a burning of sage and other herbs and allowing the smoke that results to be fanned on each other. this is done to purify bodies mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally and as the smoke rises into the skies or heavens, it carries the prayers and well wishes for the couple to the Creator and into the universe. isn't that such a unique, but beautiful part of their ceremony?

are there certain parts or aspects or traditions of your ceremony that are important/unique for you?

thanks so much to shade tree films for letting me share.
i'm such a huge fan of their work. so it's truly an honor to have seen them in action and be able to feature them here.

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